Rabu, 02 November 2016

GLAM004, GRINGKORABAL, split Dispater / Socialobservers

Artist: Dispater / Socialobservers
Title: Gringkorabal
Origin: Jakarta, Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore
Status: On Stock!!
Released by: xGxLxAxMx Records
Years: 2016
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)
For order please contacts us to:
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

Released by: Grinding Like A Maniacs Records
On, July 15, 2016

Track 1 - 4 presents by: Dispater | Recording & Mixing at: K studio | Date: July 2015
Track 5 - 10 presents by: Dispater| Recording & Mixing at: Adnan Records | Date: May 2014
Track 11 - 15 presents by: Socialobserver | Recording & Mixing at: K studio | Date: July 2015
Track 16 - 20 presents by: Socialobservers | Live Recording, somewhere in 2011

All tracks Length: 14 Minutes

Coverwork by: GOREDBLAST (http://goredblast.blogspot.com) and
LIBERAE (https://www.facebook.com/liberaemerch)


Genre: Grindcore | Country: Indonesia | Location: Jakarta 

SHUFY, Guitar

Genre: Grindcore | Country: Indonesia | Location: Jakarta

AxF, Guitar / Vocal,


Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

GLAM 003, INHUMANITY WARFARE, split Dysphonic / Tumor Ganas

Artist: Dysphonic / Tumor Ganas
Title: Inhumanity Warfare
Origin: Tabalong (Kalimantan Selatan) / Depok (Jawa Barat), Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore
Status: On Stock!!
Released by: xGxLxAxMx Records, House Of Grind, Grindtoday Records, Endless Torture Records
Years: 2016
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)
For order please contacts us to:
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Produced by: Dysphonic & Tumor Ganas 
Released & Distributed by: Grinding Like A Maniacs Records, House Of Grind, Grindtoday Records, Endless Torture Records
Supported Labels: Waroeng BW, Bantan Skateshop 
Media Support: Grindcore Worldwide 
Release Date: June 10, 2016

Track 1 - 09 written by : Dysphonic | Recording at: Mortify Records | Mixing & Mastering at: Mortify Records, Date: September 2015 | Soundclip mixed by: Noiseblastudio, Date: April-May 2015
Track 10 - 13 written by : Tumor Ganas, except track 14 written by: SxOxBx| Poems at La Ostata’ An Taslem! Lan Taslem! taken from: Syria, a poetry by: Amal Kassir | Recording at: Noiseblastudio (home recording) | Mixing & Mastering at: Noiseblastudio Date: March-April 2016, except track 10, date: January 2014 | Soundclip mixed by: Noiseblastudio, Date: April-May 2016

All tracks Length: 36 Minutes 
Coverworks by: Goredblast (IG: goredblast)

01. DYSPHONIC - Palestine (02:40)
02. DYSPHONIC - Kolonial Lalat (01:18)
03. DYSPHONIC - Mobil Perang (01:51)
04. DYSPHONIC - Penjahat Perang (02:09)
05. DYSPHONIC - Krisis Suriah (01:53)
06. DYSPHONIC - Konflik (01:05)
07. DYSPHONIC - Tembak Mati (02:08)
08. DYSPHONIC - Hujan Peluru (02:28)
09. DYSPHONIC - Noda Darah Dan Sorban (03:14)
10. TUMOR GANAS - La Ostata' An Taslem! Lan Taslem! (09:50)
11. TUMOR GANAS - Euforia Dalam Bara (02:02)
12. TUMOR GANAS - Terbelenggu Kebebasan (02:48)
13. TUMOR GANAS - Jadah Dajjal (01:12)
14. TUMOR GANAS - Shoot Mind (01:50)

Genre: Crossover Grindcore | Country: Indonesia | Location: Tabalong ( South Borneo ) | Formed: 2012 | Lyrical Themes: War, conflik, Politic, Goverment .

Senophaty ( Voc ), Donny ( Guitar Lead ), Rudhy ( Guitar Rythm ), Jhepry ( Bass ), Robby ( Drum )

Genre: HarshPowerGrindcore | Country: Indonesia | Location: Depok, Jawa Barat | Formed: 2002 | Lyrical Themes: Hate, Anti War, Anti Politics, Anti Dogma, Alcohol, Street Life, Shit, Puke, Fuck Off and Die!

Gagak Hitam: All Instrument (Digital), Throath, Screaming, Arranging

IG: tumorganasxgrindcore



FB: Grinding Like A Maniacs Records
IG: glamgrindrecs

Jl. Tole Iskandar No. 4 Depok, Jawa Barat http://trueless.bigcartel.com
IG: truelessmerch

Jl. Mekarsari Raya No.14, Cimanggis - Depok IG: a.n.d_merchandise


IG: liberae_merchandise


Kp. Cibadak Rt03/02 No.40, Ds. Sukanagalih, Kec. Pacet, Cipanas - Cianjur
IG: m.arif_gunawan | FB: Oyot Out


PO. BOX 101, 59100, Indonesia
FB: Grindtoday Records
IG: grindtodayrecords


c/o Mahfudz Abadi
RT 01/01 Biro - Wonorejo, Puncu Kab. Kediri 64292, Indonesia
IG: endlesstorturerecords
FB: Endless Torture Records


Jalan Menanggal IV No.28 Surabaya
FB: Kandang Xapi Records & Distribution

TABALONG (Kalimantan region)

Komplek Perumahan Surya Mabu’un Indah
No. 14B Mabu’un 71571, Murung Pundak, Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan
IG: hog.grind.merchandise

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

GORE SLUTS, Divisi Panji Merah

Artist: Gore Sluts
Title: Divisi Panji Merah
Origin: Malaysia
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal / Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grundar Production
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Artist: Chelation Intoxication
Title: Dismemberment (XVIII)
Origin: Malaysia
Format: CD
Genre: Slamming /Porngoregrind
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grundar Production
Years: 2013
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

MONSTER GRIND ATTACK, IndoNippon Compilation

Artist: Various
Title: Monster Grind Attack, IndoNippon Compilation
Origin: Indonesia / Japan
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore / Power Violence
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grindtoday Records
Years: 2015
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs

Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

SYNDROM SPILIS, Sexuallocalization Lovers

Artist: Syndrom Spilis
Title: Sexuallocalization Lovers
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Slamming /Porngoregrind
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Spermblast Records
Years: 2015
Price: IDR 30.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

TERSANJUNG 13 - Ears Slaughter 2002 - 2013

Artist: Tersanjung 13
Title: Ears Slaughter 2002-2013
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grindtoday Records & Maximum Noise
Years: 2013
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

AK//47. Verba Volant Scripta Manent

Artist: AK//47
Title: Verba Volant Scripta Manent
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Dead Rebel Records
Years: 2016
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

EXPLODING THE CRANIAL, Colonization Machine Killers of Morals

Artist: Exploding The Cranial
Title: Colonization Machine Killers of Morals
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Dead Rebel Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 50.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Artist: Michael Crafter / CounterAttack! / To Die / Jabat Tangan
Title: 4-way split
Origin: Australia / Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Noisecore, Grind/Violence
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Tenzemen, Samstrong Records, Relamati Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


100 Album grindcore terbaik sepanjang masa ... hmmm ... kayanya kurang tepat deh judul diatas, yang lebih tepat 100 album grindcore terbaik yang pernah kami dengar kali yee (tau dah ...- red). Secara, list yang ada disini bukan berarti yang terbaik atau terpopuler, tapi kami hanya iseng aja nyusun-nyusun beginian biar dibilang Kurang Kerjaan aja sih sebenernya hehe ... 

Ya dimulai dari Terrorizer dengan World Downfall-nya, dimana album tersebut lebih populer diawal dekade 90-an di scene metal dikota kami. Album ini lebih diterima sebagai pamungkasnya subgenre grindcore pada saat itu ketimbang Harmony Corruption-nya Napalm Death (waktu itu kebanyakan kenal album ini dulu baru yang Scum). Makanya ada beberapa band yang beralih dari Death Metal (waktu itu masih lambat, ketukan paling ngebut ya 1/16-nya thrash metal dan sejenisnya-lah, sekarang disebut oldskool Death Metal) ke Grindcore yang lebih cepat. Tapi tetep, disini kami belom mengenal Grindcore seperti sekarang ini yang membedakan Grindcore dengan Death Metal disini ya cuma lirik mungkin. Pada masa "jaman kegelapan" itu kami masih serba meraba hingga akhirnya kami tahu kalau grindcore itu memang salah satu sub-genre hasil kawin silang emosional antara Hardcore/Punk dengan Metal, kemudian berkembang dan memunculkan banyak varian setelahnya dan hingga saat ini. (baca NOISEPEDIA, Grindcore aka Grind: http://www.noiseblast-media.tk/2012/06/kamus-singkat-grindcore-aka-grind.html).

Nah berikut 100 album grindcore terbaik yang pernah kami dengar sepanjang kami mengenal grindcore.

1. Terrorizer - World Downfall (1989)

2. Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the Yard (2001)

3. Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer (2004)

4. Repulsion - Horrified (1989)

5. Nasum - Shift (2004)

6. Nasum - Helvete (2003)

7. Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless (2000)

8. Naked City - Torture Garden (1989)

9. Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses (1992)

10. Naked City - Grand Guignol (1992)

11. Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness (1989)

12. Rotten Sound - Exit (2005)

13. Brutal Truth - Need to Control (1994)

14. Assück - Misery Index (1997)

15. Napalm Death - From Enslavement to Obliteration (1988)

16. Insect Warfare - World Extermination (2007)

17. Nasum - Human 2.0 (2000)

18. Exhumed - Slaughtercult (2000)

19. Napalm Death - Enemy of the Music Business (2000)

20. Nails - Unsilent Death (2010)

21. Discordance Axis - Jouhou (1997)

22. Macabre - Dahmer (2000)

23. Nasum - Inhale/Exhale (1998)

24. Wormrot - Abuse (2009)

25. Rotten Sound - Murderworks (2002)

26. Assück - Anticapital (1992)

27. Napalm Death - The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (2005)

28. !T.O.O.H.! - Pod vládou biče (2002)

29. Anaal Nathrakh - Hell Is Empty, and All the Devils Are Here (2007)

30. Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb (2007)

31. Napalm Death - Scum (1987)

32. Magrudergrind - Magrudergrind (2009)

33. Napalm Death - Smear Campaign (2006)

34. Nails - Abandon All Life (2013)

35. Haemorrhage - Apology for Pathology (2006)

36. Cattle Decapitation - Monolith of Inhumanity (2012)

37. Cripple Bastards - Misantropo a senso unico (2000)

38. Cephalic Carnage - Anomalies (2005)

39. Misery Index - Traitors (2008)

40. Dead Infection - A Chapter of Accidents (1995)

41. Misery Index - Heirs to Thievery (2010)

42. Impetigo - Horror of the Zombies (1992)

43. Exhumed - Gore Metal (1998)

44. Haemorrhage - Morgue Sweet Home (2002)

45. Yacopsae - Tanz, Grosny, Tanz... (2007)

46. Antigama - Discomfort (2004)

47. Macabre - Sinister Slaughter (1993)

48. Wormrot - Dirge (2011)

49. PainKiller - Guts of a Virgin (1991)

50. Gaza - I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die (2006)

51. Anaal Nathrakh - In the Constellation of the Black Widow (2009)

52. Cephalic Carnage - Lucid Interval (2002)

53. Genghis Tron - Dead Mountain Mouth (2006)

54. James Plotkin's Phantomsmasher - Atomsmasher (2001)

55. Aborted - Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done (2003)

56. Fuck the Facts - Die Miserable (2011)

57. Misery Index - Retaliate (2003)

58. Napalm Death - Order of the Leech (2002)

59. Napalm Death - Utilitarian (2012)

60. Genghis Tron - Board Up the House (2008)

61. Exhumed - Anatomy Is Destiny (2003)

62. Napalm Death - Time Waits for No Slave (2009)

63. General Surgery - Left Hand Pathology (2006)

64. Splatterhouse - The House That Dead Built (2004)

65. Extreme Noise Terror - The Peel Sessions 87'-90' (1990)

66. Gorerotted - Mutilated in Minutes (2000)

67. Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Converge - The Poacher Diaries (1999)

68. PainKiller - Buried Secrets (1992)

69. James Plotkin's Phantomsmasher - Phantomsmasher (2002)

70. Misery Index - Discordia (2006)

71. Macabre - Gloom (1989)

72. Abscess - Damned and Mummified (2004)

73. Pig Destroyer - Book Burner (2012)

74. Cephalic Carnage - Xenosapien (2007)

75. Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline (1998)

76. Macabre - Murder Metal (2003)

77. Bucket Full of Teeth - IV (2005)

78. Napalm Death - Leaders Not Followers: Part 2 (2004)

79. Nasum - Doombringer (2008)

80. Cripple Bastards - Variante alla morte (2008)

81. Benighted - Insane Cephalic Production (2003)

82. Fuck the Facts - Disgorge Mexico (2008)

83. Abscess - Damned and Mummified (2004)

84. Cephalic Carnage - Exploiting Dysfunction (2000)

85. James Plotkin's Phantomsmasher - Phantomsmasher (2002)

86. Pig Destroyer - Book Burner (2012)

87. Macabre - Gloom (1989)

88. Gorerotted - Only Tools and Corpses (2003)

89. Antigama - Resonance (2007)

90. Phobia - Cruel (2006)

91. Kataklysm - Sorcery (1995)

92. Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise (2008)

93. Gridlink - Orphan (2011)

94. Fuck the Facts - Stigmata High-Five (2006)

95. Haemorrhage - Anatomical Inferno (1998)

96. Nuclear Death - Bride of Insect (1990)

97. Rotten Sound - Cycles (2008)

98. Fallen Christ - Abduction Ritual (1996)

99.Elysiüm / Monarch! - Elysiüm + Monarch (2006)

100. Exhumed - All Guts, No Glory (2011)

Maaf gak ada gambar albumnya, atau link downloadnya, karena saya cuma nyusun aja. kalo situ mau nerusin  sampe dapet lagunya, silahkan cari sendiri aja ya masberooohhh ... terimakasih, semoga dibaca.

disusun ole: Dudung Cebol (tukang pasangan ager-ager di depan SD Negeri Beji Timur II, Depok)

ERROR-X / ANTIPHATY. We're Here To Murder You

Artist: Error X / Antiphaty
Title: We're Here To Murder You
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: HC/Punk, Crust, Grind
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Playloud Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Artist: I The Intruder
Title: Exilium
Origin: Tunisia
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Endless Torture Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

ANAK SETAN, Cyclonic Depression

Artist: Anak Setan
Title: Cyclonic Depression
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore/Power Violence
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Ciptarea Stuff & Grindtoday Records
Years: 2012
Price: IDR 25.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

HELLSKUAD, Liege Of Inveracity

Artist: Hellskuad
Title: Liege Of Inveracity
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Last Breath Records
Years: 2015
Price: IDR 50.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

ORACLE, No Truth No Justice

Artist: Oracle
Title: No Truth, No Justice
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Thrash Metal
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: No Label Records
Years: 2010
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

HUNUS, Menghunus

Artist: Hunus
Title: Menghunus
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD + T Shirt
Genre: Blackened Crust/Grind
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Self Release
Years: 2016
Price: IDR 80.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

CADAVER, The World Under Terror

Artist: Cadaver
Title: The World Under Terror
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal / Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Last Breath Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Artist: Pukat Harimau
Title: Suspicious
Origin: Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Endless Torture Records
Years: 2014
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

TUSSOCK, Out Of Rhyme

Artist: Tussock
Title: Out Of Rhyme
Origin: Malaysia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcoree
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grundar Production
Years: 2012
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

TRIGGER ATTACK, A Human Exist Collapse

Artist: Trigger Attack
Title: A Human Exist Collapse
Origin: Bali, Indonesia
Format: CD
Genre: Grindcore/Power Violence
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Play Loud Records
Years: 2015
Price: IDR 40.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

UNVEILED, Endless Extreme Hate

Artist: Unveiled
Title: Endless Extreme Hate
Origin: Thailand
Format: CD
Genre: Death Metal
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Grundar Production
Years: 2013
Price: IDR 60.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com

Senin, 04 Januari 2016


Artist: Blood Soaked Street Of Social Decay
Title: Ep.2013
Origin: Thailand
Format: Tape
Genre: Noise, Gore, Grind
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Black Rebellion, Sick Fanatics, Mau Tak Mau
Years: 2013
Price: IDR 25.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com


Artist: Holyday Suckers / Noxious Threat
Title: split
Origin: Indonesia / USA
Format: Tape
Genre: Power Violence, HC/Punk
Status: Limited Stock!!
Released by: Black Rebellion Records
Years: 2013
Price: IDR 25.000,- (exclude postage)

For order please contacts us to
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xgxlxaxmxrecs
Email: grindingthemaniacs@gmail.com